Navigating Negative Feedback As An Online Business Owner


Have you ever felt like a curveball was thrown your way, making you question if having an online coach, consulting, or course business is the right path? 

Well, you're not alone. Even the best of us face challenges.

Let me share a story about one of my clients from The Unleash Your Ambition Collective

She recently faced her very first dose of negative feedback from a participant in one of her online events. 

She was bewildered, felt like she got blindsided, and even concerned if being an online coach was like this all of the time.

I think it’s a great idea to share exactly how I coached her through this experience.

It’ll help you shift your perspective and empower you to be confident in the work you do and the value you bring to the market to help your best-fit clients or customers.

For today’s episode, I’m going to reveal how to navigate negative feedback while growing your online coaching, consulting, or course business.

Are you ready? Let's dive in!

#1. Take a Deep Breath

First things first, just breathe. It’s important to not let your emotions run the show. Think of this situation as neutral.

#2. Answer Two Important Questions

Answer two questions: "How many people have given me negative feedback?" and "How many people have given me positive feedback?" You'll likely find that the positive feedback far outweighs the negative feedback from just one person.

#3. Spot the Difference

Know the difference between feedback that helps you grow and feedback that's just negativity. Use the negative feedback as a chance to improve your coaching. If it's not helpful, move on and don't let it bring you down.

#4. Focus on Your Best-Fit Clients Or Customers

Remember that not everyone will resonate with your message, what you stand for, and how you help people. Concentrate on serving your best-fit clients or customers and addressing their specific needs and concerns.

#5. Maintain a Growth Mindset

Stay resilient. Use negative feedback as a stepping stone to refine your communication skills and build a stronger online presence.

Final thoughts…

After I coached her on this experience, she told me it helped her see more and more why it is crucial to create intentional content to repel the people who aren’t the best-fit for her message or her business.

You cannot please everyone.  

Not everyone will resonate with your message. 

Not everyone will resonate with what you create to help people through your business.

And that's OKAY.

Receiving negative feedback is a natural part of any online business journey, and it can lead to positive improvements in the long run. 

I hope this is helpful. 

After listening to this episode, I’d love to hear from you. Text (720) 759-2349 to ask a question, leave feedback about this episode, or request a topic for a future episode.






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Inside The Unleash Your Ambition Collective:

  • You'll receive what's needed to fast track your online business in a short amount of time.

  • You'll focus on what's specific to where you’re at right now and where you want to go. 

  • You will NOT be overloaded with information that’s not relevant to achieving your business goals faster.